Stepping Up

If all you read are headlines, when the nights are long
And your days are crammed with deadlines, sometimes
The world can seem a gloomy place, a tired space
Of fighting and blighting and struggling to make ends meet,
Of snatching victory from the jaws of defeat, and yet
In the midst of crises that show no signs of letting up
I see you stepping up, I see you getting up
And taking control of your life, I see you setting up
The conditions for success, patiently building a dream,
Knowing that each brick and beam is an investment,
A testament to hard work and foresight, to the light
Beyond the storm, to the calm beyond the chaos,
For there have always been hard times, and those
Who step up to the challenge, who manage to cope
Because their hope lies not in wishes but in action,
Who find traction in solutions, rather than being stuck
In the mire of problems and the wire of snares, who,
Like you, are stepping up and striding out and shining bright.

Wayne Visser © 2024


Seize the Day: Favourite Inspirational Poems

This creative collection, now in its 3rd edition, brings together favourite inspirational poems by Wayne Visser. The anthology takes us on a journey through the peaks and troughs of life, celebrating the indomitable human spirit.. It includes many old favourites like “Poets Must Be” and “Chasing the Blue”, as well as brand new poems like “The Writer” and “Making Ripples”. Sages through the ages wisely say: / Carpe Diem – seize the dawning day / Oh, would that I could assuage that thirst / But the day conspires to seize me first! / With the hurry and scurry / Of home’s frantic flurry / And the hustle and bustle / Of work’s tangled tussle. Buy the paper book / Buy the e-book.
