Live 8 Rap

A Tribute to the 2005 Live 8 Campaign

It’s not too late
To join Live 8
To change the fate
Of billions of poor
To do more
To settle the score
On the raw
Deal of the past
At last

We won’t take the bait
Of the G8
For too long they’ve lied
Telling us their hands are tied
But they can’t hide
From the rising tide
They know the cure
For sure

Let’s speak our voice
We have the choice
To cast off the net
Of crippling debt
To increase aid
And make the trade
Fair and square
If we dare
To care

This is our chance
To dance
To a different tune
To turn up the heat
And feel the beat
Of Africa’s drum
The silent hum
Of those who refuse
To succumb

This is the time
To rhyme
For a better life
To end the strife
That’s rife
To make our mark
And take our part
In walking the path
With a heart

Let this be
Our plea
For the rebirth
Of earth
To make poverty history
To shape a new destiny
This is the space
To take our place
In the human race

This is the tipping point
To heal the disjoint
Of separation
To make reparation
For exploitation
And close the gap
On the map
To open our souls to the tap
Of the Live 8 rap

Wayne Visser © 2017


Life in Transit: Favourite Travel & Tribute Poems

This creative collection, now in its 2nd edition, brings together travel and tribute poems by Wayne Visser. The anthology pays tribute to the likes of Nelson Mandela, Maya Angelou, Barack Obama, Antoni Gaudí & Leonardo da Vinci, and reflects on travels ranging from China and South Africa to Ecuador and Russia. Life is lived in the in-between / In transit / Between coming and going / Between staying and moving on / Between here and there / And what we call home / What we call settled or contented / Is merely a resting place / A station for refuelling / A nexus for reconnecting / A junction for changing direction. Buy the paper book / Buy the e-book.
