Nature’s Embrace

Take me to the forests green
I need to feel their healing balm
To soak in groves of dappled sheen
And wallow in their soothing calm

Take me to the mountains high
I need to stretch and strain and strive
To rise up where the eagles fly
And burst with joy to be alive

Take me to the wilderness
I need the space to be alone
To tap the vein of nature’s bliss
And slip into the mindful zone

Take me to the beaches gold
I need to feel the sun’s warm rays
To dive into the oceans cold
And drift on lunar tidal sways

Take me to the valleys cool
I need to rest within their shade
To cast ideas into a pool
And watch them ripple ‘til they fade

Take me to the desert sand
I need to clear my cluttered mind
To see the beauty in the bland
And treasure secrets that I find

Take me to the alpine snow
I need to breathe its pristine chill
To thaw my soul while embers glow
And feel the pure adrenal thrill

Take me into nature’s arms
I need to feel her love embrace
To shelter from life’s daily harms
And gaze upon her wizened face

Wayne Visser © 2019


Wishing Leaves: Favourite Nature Poems

This creative collection, now in its 3rd edition, brings together nature poems by Wayne Visser, celebrating the diversity, beauty and ever-changing moods of our planet. The anthology includes many old favourites like “I Think I Was a Tree Once” and “A Bug’s Life”, as well as brand new poems like “Monet’s Dream” and “The Environmentalist”. Then as we turned our faces to the moon / Our hands entwined, our hearts in sync, in tune / We felt the fingers of the silken breeze / And made our wishes on the falling leaves / A gust of wind set off a whispered sigh / Among the trees that leaned against the sky.  Buy the paper book / Buy the e-book.



Calm turquoise waters and white tufted skies
Red fiery sea crabs with knobbly stalk eyes
Black sea iguanas with arched horny spines
Blue-footed boobies that plummet and dive

Time drifts and eddies, space sweeps and curls
My body unhinges, my mind gently swirls

Gold crescent beaches and green mangrove trees
Acrobat frigates that twist on the breeze
Sky-dreaming cactuses rise from the ash
Shy silver fishes shimmy and flash

Days stretch and unfurl, nights pulse and pause
My heart finds its rhythm, my soul lifts and soars

Cool soothing drizzle and grey lapping waves
A vigilant pelican watches and preys
Fresh footprints fade as the lunar-tide churns
A white-tipped shark ghosts and glides as it turns

Hopes swell and teeter, dreams froth and spray
Serenity lingers as I go on my way

Wayne Visser © 2011


Wishing Leaves: Favourite Nature Poems

This creative collection, now in its 3rd edition, brings together nature poems by Wayne Visser, celebrating the diversity, beauty and ever-changing moods of our planet. The anthology includes many old favourites like “I Think I Was a Tree Once” and “A Bug’s Life”, as well as brand new poems like “Monet’s Dream” and “The Environmentalist”. Then as we turned our faces to the moon / Our hands entwined, our hearts in sync, in tune / We felt the fingers of the silken breeze / And made our wishes on the falling leaves / A gust of wind set off a whispered sigh / Among the trees that leaned against the sky.  Buy the paper book / Buy the e-book.


Giant White Hand

Between aspiring, cloud-laced mountain peaks,
The ancient Giant White Hand reaches over,
Its outstretched fingers, cool and crystalline,
Grasping at rock and tree in the valley below,
Its cracked fingernails stained translucent blue,
Scratching steadily at the gritty surface of soaking ground …
… Shrouded in silence …

A raucous, rumbling avalanche of icy flesh flakes away
and cascades over jagged knuckle and smooth snowy skin …
… Then silence again.

But for the drip, drip, dripping
of pure water-sweat from some gigantic invisible effort,
Tarrying a while in turquoise pools,
Slithering away in swift-flowing streams,
Racing down rocky channels in churning rapids,
Wildly leaping off clinging cliffs in thunderous waterfalls,
Freely frothing over into fathomless fjords,
Then silently melting with its maternal source,
The sea.

Until one day, it is born again of heavenly seed,
New blood,
perhaps to pulse through the veins
Of the next Giant White Hand
To wave over our Earth orb.

Wayne Visser © 1998


Wishing Leaves: Favourite Nature Poems

This creative collection, now in its 3rd edition, brings together nature poems by Wayne Visser, celebrating the diversity, beauty and ever-changing moods of our planet. The anthology includes many old favourites like “I Think I Was a Tree Once” and “A Bug’s Life”, as well as brand new poems like “Monet’s Dream” and “The Environmentalist”. Then as we turned our faces to the moon / Our hands entwined, our hearts in sync, in tune / We felt the fingers of the silken breeze / And made our wishes on the falling leaves / A gust of wind set off a whispered sigh / Among the trees that leaned against the sky.  Buy the paper book / Buy the e-book.


Zen Garden

Still pond … Mind reflects
Koi swim … Thoughts ripple
Trees bow … Time bends
Fronds coil … Space unfurls

Water trickles … Meaning flows
Frogs hop … Ideas leap
Flowers bloom … Joy smiles
Leaves rustle … Insight whispers

Paths connect … Feet explore
Bridges reach … Hands touch
Stones stand … Eyes close
Crystals shine … Focus distils

Dragons appear … Shadows swirl
Coins glint … Wishes sparkle
Lanterns glow … Hope kindles
Statues watch … Wisdom lingers

Birds twitter … Harmony sings
Chimes sound … Ideals echo
Benches beckon … Beauty poses
Silence speaks … Peace settles

Tea steams Love quenches
Cat purrs Affection spills
Child laughs Spirit soars
Gardener nods Zen grows

Wayne Visser © 2004


Wishing Leaves: Favourite Nature Poems

This creative collection, now in its 3rd edition, brings together nature poems by Wayne Visser, celebrating the diversity, beauty and ever-changing moods of our planet. The anthology includes many old favourites like “I Think I Was a Tree Once” and “A Bug’s Life”, as well as brand new poems like “Monet’s Dream” and “The Environmentalist”. Then as we turned our faces to the moon / Our hands entwined, our hearts in sync, in tune / We felt the fingers of the silken breeze / And made our wishes on the falling leaves / A gust of wind set off a whispered sigh / Among the trees that leaned against the sky.  Buy the paper book / Buy the e-book.



Before the rain
Expectation hangs in the air
A shadow moves across the sun
And cools the baking sand
Thirst grows acute

Then it rains
Petals and arms open wide
A haze drifts through the streets
And soaks the glistening leaves
Desire is quenched

After the rain
Relief floods over the earth
A grey sky soothes the senses
And refreshes tired minds
Life begins anew

Wayne Visser © 2009


Wishing Leaves: Favourite Nature Poems

This creative collection, now in its 3rd edition, brings together nature poems by Wayne Visser, celebrating the diversity, beauty and ever-changing moods of our planet. The anthology includes many old favourites like “I Think I Was a Tree Once” and “A Bug’s Life”, as well as brand new poems like “Monet’s Dream” and “The Environmentalist”. Then as we turned our faces to the moon / Our hands entwined, our hearts in sync, in tune / We felt the fingers of the silken breeze / And made our wishes on the falling leaves / A gust of wind set off a whispered sigh / Among the trees that leaned against the sky.  Buy the paper book / Buy the e-book.


Winter Song

Crunching boots like music beat
Globs of light on misty street
Puffs of breath like smoky lace
Dripping nose on frozen face

Frosted leaves like festive cake
Shards of ice on glassy lake
Silver sun like shining moon
Twilight stars come out too soon

Cosy rooms like thermal hugs
Steaming soup in favourite mugs
Calls to shop like ringing gong
Hum along to winter song

Wayne Visser © 2005


Wishing Leaves: Favourite Nature Poems

This creative collection, now in its 3rd edition, brings together nature poems by Wayne Visser, celebrating the diversity, beauty and ever-changing moods of our planet. The anthology includes many old favourites like “I Think I Was a Tree Once” and “A Bug’s Life”, as well as brand new poems like “Monet’s Dream” and “The Environmentalist”. Then as we turned our faces to the moon / Our hands entwined, our hearts in sync, in tune / We felt the fingers of the silken breeze / And made our wishes on the falling leaves / A gust of wind set off a whispered sigh / Among the trees that leaned against the sky.  Buy the paper book / Buy the e-book.



Vapour clashes in the vortex
Like brewing broth in caldron black
Lightning lashes the horizon
Like splintered shards of broken sky
Thunder crashes through the silence
Like devilled drums of godly war
Sheet-rain splashes in the mud-dust
Like horses hooves on battle ground
Sunlight flashes through the storm-veil
Like soothing spells to tame the waves
Sodden ashes quench the spirit
Like phoenix flames that rise on wing

Wayne Visser © 2006


Wishing Leaves: Favourite Nature Poems

This creative collection, now in its 3rd edition, brings together nature poems by Wayne Visser, celebrating the diversity, beauty and ever-changing moods of our planet. The anthology includes many old favourites like “I Think I Was a Tree Once” and “A Bug’s Life”, as well as brand new poems like “Monet’s Dream” and “The Environmentalist”. Then as we turned our faces to the moon / Our hands entwined, our hearts in sync, in tune / We felt the fingers of the silken breeze / And made our wishes on the falling leaves / A gust of wind set off a whispered sigh / Among the trees that leaned against the sky.  Buy the paper book / Buy the e-book.


First Snow

It didn’t snow on Christmas Day
No jingle bells nor Santa’s sleigh
No gifts to wash my cares away
No wings to lift my feet of clay

But two days later snowflakes fell
And broke the curse of sadness spell
Its beauty coaxed me from my shell
And dowsed my flames of private hell

The bitter freeze began to break
Like shards upon the frozen lake
The icy chill of my heartache
Began to thaw and dissipate

The numbing pain of things gone wrong
In this past year will soon be gone
Upon the breeze the robins’ song
As days get longer from now on

Wayne Visser © 2005


Wishing Leaves: Favourite Nature Poems

This creative collection, now in its 3rd edition, brings together nature poems by Wayne Visser, celebrating the diversity, beauty and ever-changing moods of our planet. The anthology includes many old favourites like “I Think I Was a Tree Once” and “A Bug’s Life”, as well as brand new poems like “Monet’s Dream” and “The Environmentalist”. Then as we turned our faces to the moon / Our hands entwined, our hearts in sync, in tune / We felt the fingers of the silken breeze / And made our wishes on the falling leaves / A gust of wind set off a whispered sigh / Among the trees that leaned against the sky.  Buy the paper book / Buy the e-book.



What was it about the fog
That day
That so enchanted me?

As I tumbled out of my front door
The path before me
Usually clear into the distance
Had disappeared
Swallowed up
In a great white cloud

I waded through the mist
To the bridge across the river
Which flowed out of nothing
Into nowhere
The intrepid ducks and boats
On shrouded journeys
Into the unknown
Perhaps to the very edge
Of the world

I walked through the park
As murky phantasms emerged
And melted into thick air
Like wraiths in the netherworld
Gliding between lost and found
Hovering around gloomy lampposts
Searching for signs
To uncertainty

And as I walked through the wispy veil
Trees rose up to greet me
Reaching out with dripping fingers
Enfolding me
In the damp blanket of myopia
Tucking me in
With whispers of letting go
And trusting the unseen

That whole day
The fog lingered
Blotting out the glaring sun
Opening an invisible portal
Into the realm of shades
Where beauty drifts
In rainbows of grey
And wisdom beckons
At the blurry fringes
Of consciousness

Wayne Visser © 2008


Wishing Leaves: Favourite Nature Poems

This creative collection, now in its 3rd edition, brings together nature poems by Wayne Visser, celebrating the diversity, beauty and ever-changing moods of our planet. The anthology includes many old favourites like “I Think I Was a Tree Once” and “A Bug’s Life”, as well as brand new poems like “Monet’s Dream” and “The Environmentalist”. Then as we turned our faces to the moon / Our hands entwined, our hearts in sync, in tune / We felt the fingers of the silken breeze / And made our wishes on the falling leaves / A gust of wind set off a whispered sigh / Among the trees that leaned against the sky.  Buy the paper book / Buy the e-book.


Come Rain Come

Come, rain, come!
Swirl with the mists of intrigue
Like the ethereal wisp of whistles
Shrouded with mystery
And enchanting

Come, rain, come!
Patter with the kiss of butterflies
Like the gentle blend of voices
Infused with salve
And healing

Come, rain, come!
Fall with the gift of life
Like the soothing tap of marimbas
Blended with tonic
And quenching

Come, rain, come!
Pour with the pulse of ages
Like the rhythmic beat of drums
Stirred with emotion
And invigorating

Come, rain, come!
Storm with the cry of battle
Like the mighty clash of cymbals
Consumed with passion
And transforming

Come, rain, come!
Arch with the bow of promise
Like the haunting wail of saxophones
Imbued with colour
And inspiring

Wayne Visser © 2005


Wishing Leaves: Favourite Nature Poems

This creative collection, now in its 3rd edition, brings together nature poems by Wayne Visser, celebrating the diversity, beauty and ever-changing moods of our planet. The anthology includes many old favourites like “I Think I Was a Tree Once” and “A Bug’s Life”, as well as brand new poems like “Monet’s Dream” and “The Environmentalist”. Then as we turned our faces to the moon / Our hands entwined, our hearts in sync, in tune / We felt the fingers of the silken breeze / And made our wishes on the falling leaves / A gust of wind set off a whispered sigh / Among the trees that leaned against the sky.  Buy the paper book / Buy the e-book.
