Through Your Eyes

The world is different through your eyes
The shapes and angles, the colours and spangles
All sparring and jarring, shifting and shimmering
Making up a living mosaic, a patterned portrait
With each give and take, each grip and shake
You make something unique, something wonderful
Which I peek – each time you act or speak –
I see a better, braver world, through your eyes

The world is changing through your choices
The views and voices, the stands that you take
All the paths you make, with byways and bridges
Making up a living map, a sculpted terrain
With more options to give, more chances to live
You make something renewed, something hopeful
Like a potion brewed – each time you choose –
I see a brighter, bolder world, through your choices

The world is growing through your knowing
The curious questions, the fresh discoveries
The bubbling and bursting, sizzling and thirsting
Making up a living book, a library of wisdom
With each word and idea, each step beyond fear
You make something meaningful, something that matters
With an impact that scatters, in each ripple
I see a wider, wiser world, through your knowing

Wayne Visser © 2021


Life in Transit: Favourite Travel & Tribute Poems

This creative collection, now in its 2nd edition, brings together travel and tribute poems by Wayne Visser. The anthology pays tribute to the likes of Nelson Mandela, Maya Angelou, Barack Obama, Antoni Gaudí & Leonardo da Vinci, and reflects on travels ranging from China and South Africa to Ecuador and Russia. Life is lived in the in-between / In transit / Between coming and going / Between staying and moving on / Between here and there / And what we call home / What we call settled or contented / Is merely a resting place / A station for refuelling / A nexus for reconnecting / A junction for changing direction. Buy the paper book / Buy the e-book.
