Lost City of Gold

Rise once more
Up from the south Limpopo shore
Let now your ancient tale be told
Of those who built the Place of Gold

On the hill
Your royal graves whisper us still
Of treasures lost and fortunes made
Before your kingdom’s star did fade

We can trace
A thousand year old trading base
Exchanging gold and ivory
For spices, silks and rainbow beads

Let us sing
The praises of your gilded king
Whose golden rhino, staff and bowl
Your riches to this day extol

Formed to be
A civilised society
And guided by a higher fate
Gave birth to this first nation state

We proclaim
The untold glories of your name
And to this day your lofty brand
Bestows top honours in this land

See it’s true
That from your seed a great tree grew
With sturdy roots and fruits sublime
And branches across space and time

Wayne Visser © 2017


I Am An African: Favourite Africa Poems

This creative collection, now in its 5th edition, brings together Africa poems by Wayne Visser, including the ever popular “I Am An African”, as well as old favourites like “Women of Africa”, “I Know A Place in Africa”, “Prayer for Africa” and “African Dream”. The anthology celebrates the luminous continent and its rainbow people. The updated 5th Edition includes new poems like “Africa Untamed” and “Land of the Sun”. Buy the paper book / Buy the e-book.
